Internet Freedom Ecosystem Research
Between 2022 – 2023, the Greater Internet Freedom (GIF) project conducted an ambitious research initiative that explored the common challenges digital rights and digital security practitioners experience when navigating the Internet freedom (IF) ecosystem. Through this participatory research initiative, GIF used both traditional and co-creation research methods to understand the challenges hindering continuous skills development and career growth for Internet freedom practitioners and propose actionable solutions to advance the IF community and provide a better path forward. The research was concluded with a dynamic toolkit that can be adapted for different communities to engage other IF practitioners in reflecting on, advancing, and sustaining their work. That report is available here.
We open our research blueprint to any actors willing to give continuity to this study. You can help produce new knowledge on this topic by hosting a co-creation workshop. Download the 8-part workshop kit and learn how to engage other internet freedom practitioners in reflecting on, advancing, and sustaining their work. Want to share your experience with us or get some advice? Drop us a line at GTP-GIF-Admin@internews.org.

Biometric ID Research
In 2023, the Greater Internet Freedom Consortium conducted a global multi-region research in 27 countries to identify and compare the state of biometrics and digital identity (BDI) usage, impact, and threats that are emerging in Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South and Southeast Asia. This report is a deep dive into the cross-cutting challenges in the current BDI ecosystem. It provides in-country case studies and draws attention to how BDI impacts privacy, personal data, and human rights, with specific focus on the most vulnerable communities, as well as highlights existing gaps and inconsistencies in laws and regulations. The findings of this report serve as a call to action to governments, policymakers, the international community, and the general public to address BDI challenges and raise awareness on how weakly regulated BDI is adversely impacting human rights. To see the regional and country level reports, please click here. You can find the global report here.
To learn more about specific areas of BDI application, check out our thematic series of informational materials linked below.

Digital Rights and Internet Freedom Series
To support newcomers in the field, GIF Project had developed thematic glossaries and explanatory notes covering basic definitions and concepts on most pertinent digital rights and internet freedom topics. Please find the relevant publications linked below.